March 08, 2025, 07:53:49 pm


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Miro Writes!

Started by Miro, January 17, 2025, 07:38:27 pm

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Kinda. Sorta. She tries at least.  :'(  Mostly in response to writing prompts from writing groups or reddit. There are a few that I could share, but I'll just start with this one I finished last week and hopefully there will be more throughout the year. Links are google docs.

Prompt(s): sheriff's badge, outsider, antihero

Title: The Defenestration of Carl Levitt
Word Count: 6,635
Genre: Detective/Mystery
About: There's a new sheriff in town and she doesn't take kindly to how lax these youngins are getting on the job. While everyone's quick to write off the case as an accident, Gwendolyn's sure there's more to it than it seems.
More Info: I've never written something in this genre before and a lot of the inspiration for it comes from watching and discussing murder mysteries with my mom, who I also based Gwendolyn after.

Link: Linky


Prompt(s): stream of consciousness

Title: Three and a Half
Word Count: 1,694
Genre: Comedy/humor
About: The author has less than three and a half hours to write a story from scratch with absolutely no idea what to write about.
More Info: Did this one back in 2018, but it's one of my favorites. Written in just under three and a half hours with minimal editing. And features Miro! (no correlation)



Fun non-logical twist ending on that one.  :)