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RIP Joltz/Bruinor

Started by Reolox, September 30, 2020, 08:08:56 pm

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For those of you that have not heard, Joltz/Bruinor died today in a workplace accident.  He will be sorely missed, and by me the most.  He was a good friend, a good guildmate and my heart hurts.


I am very sadden by Bruinor passing
I got to get to know him in game and Discord
It was a lot of fun and he left a finger print on my heart


I considered Daryl/Jolts/Bruinor one of my very best of EQ friends.  Great person.  My heart truly hurts.  He will be missed.


I sit here and wonder if I was as good of a person to Bru/Joltz as he was to me. I hope in his next life  he finds good friends like he was to us. Game on Bro!!...


I am beyond heartbroken, when Tay told me last night I was stunned. He was a great friend to alot of us. I will always treasure the times I spent with him as Joltz, he was always my healer in raids and could always put a smile on my face, by saying something nice or more oft than not laughing with me at the newest "window licker". I am in tears, my heart goes out to his family and friends and to all of us...we lost a great person and he will be missed.


/agree Decidra.  My Kleenex bill is higher than it's been in some time.  This hurts. A lot.

I've known Joltz for almost as long as EQ has been around.  He and his wife (she played "Yandadara") were an absolutely amazing healing duo that kept our groups alive against sometimes crazy odds.  She's not played in quite some time, but she's a sweetheart that needs your thoughts and prayers right about now.  When he played Joltz and you were in his group, you could rest assured that you were likely to be in the last group standing.

I've known Daryl in real life for about almost as long.  TeamSpeak and Ventrilo at first, but about 10 years ago I was in his area on an errand and he and his wife met us for dinner.  It was jarring at first:  In the game, Joltz was a halfling and Yandadara was a High Elf, but in real life Daryl was a bear of a man and his wife the smaller one.  That took a bit of getting used to...  We met again a few years later at a cabin that Dilani owns in Oregon and spent several days together there.  He put his real-life skills to use there repairing a water pump and the cabin's electrical systems and just in general making things work. (I worked on the toilet, and over - yes, over - the cabin's cesspool.  Don't ask...)  While he was used to working with immense high-volume pumps and high-voltage electrical systems he was perfectly content to work on the ancient and primitive versions that were in use at that cabin, and we enjoyed our time there immensely.  That time and those memories are now precious to me.

Never forget, folks:  There are actual real-life PEOPLE behind the characters in the game.  I've met some of them and have talked to many more, and one thing I've learned is that the character is usually nothing more than a thin mask. Great characters in the game are usually played by great people in real life.  Joltz/Bruinor was no exception.  I'm going to miss Bruinor, but I mourn Daryl.

"When you say goodbye to a friend, assume that one of you is going to die before you ever get to see one another again. If you want to leave something unsaid, fine...but be prepared to leave it unsaid forever." (Walter Slovotsky, via Joel Rosenberg)

Goodbye, Bruinor.  Rest in peace, Daryl.


October 05, 2020, 03:25:15 pm #6 Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 02:13:13 pm by medimus
This is a lightly-edited and reorganized capture of Bruinor's memorial service from Friday evening.  I've kept most of the guild chat, edited out most of the emotes, and grouped peoples' multi-line messages.

Once again, thanks to Raivene for setting this up.  I'm reminded how memorials aren't for the dead, but for those that are left behind.  Participating in this hurt and helped at the same time.


[Fri Oct 02 16:51:27 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'there are flower bouquets and brell's best in the guild bank.  Please feel free to take one of each (but dont drink the brell's yet!).  If you wish to place a bouquet near bruinor  please ask an officer for decorator to do so.  They will be returned to you after the service'
[Fri Oct 02 17:00:29 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'please gather in the back hall of the guild hall for Bruinor's/Joltz' memorial.  We will be starting the actual memorial in a few minutes'
[Fri Oct 02 17:00:41 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'certain portions of tonight's memorial will have audio components.  If you wish to hear them please attach to the radioFK voice channel in discord, or follow the link posted in the general text channel to directly connect.  Here is that link if you dont have discord ...'
[Fri Oct 02 17:03:07 2020] Lilpatt tells the guild, 'dont know where im supposed to be but I needed to be on to pay my respects'
[Fri Oct 02 17:03:19 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'Main hall, Lilpatt'
[Fri Oct 02 17:03:21 2020] Rayserker tells the guild, 'back of the guild hall '
[Fri Oct 02 17:03:23 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'come to the very back of the guild hall'
[Fri Oct 02 17:05:15 2020] Ellamental tells the guild, 'Just an fyi if you send me a tell, I'll be standing behind Medimus watching over his shoulder and giving him bear hhugs so I'm not ignoring you....'
[Fri Oct 02 17:07:25 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'and I can definitely use 'em... :( '
[Fri Oct 02 17:07:58 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'we will be starting shortly.  We are kinda waiting on some normal late loggers to begin.  This memorial will contain some pieces inspired by various traditions and will contain very poor humor (at least by me)  remember we are here to celebrate bruinor and each other...'
[Fri Oct 02 17:09:07 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'memorials are for the living.  Hugs to all of you, and thank you for coming'
[Fri Oct 02 17:20:11 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'we are just waiting on kiras now to start... we will start regardless in 10 mins (normal time stuff)'
[Fri Oct 02 17:20:27 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'sort of waiting on Kiras.....i know ...wierd for a friday night....starting in 10'
[Fri Oct 02 17:21:25 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'once we start please pardon any gaffe's from me or the presentors... doing this through intermittant tears is a challenge...'
[Fri Oct 02 17:27:00 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'we will be starting in 5 minutes'
[Fri Oct 02 17:28:10 2020] Kelie tells the guild, 'good evening guys :) much love to all'
[Fri Oct 02 17:28:19 2020] Kelie tells the guild, 'service still active?'
[Fri Oct 02 17:28:32 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'yes... in the back of the hall... we are about to start'
[Fri Oct 02 17:30:49 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Thank you all for coming... tonight we celebrate the life and mourn the passing of one of our members.  Several will give some rememberances of him during this service.  Everyone will get the chance a bit later.  I guess I will start'
[Fri Oct 02 17:31:14 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'I have known Bruinor for many years.  '
[Fri Oct 02 17:31:29 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'He has been one of the stallwarts of this guild the entire time he has been here and Frayed Knot has been lucky to have had him and I have been blessed by the times we have had together.   '
[Fri Oct 02 17:31:55 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'to me... he will always be Joltz...   that's how I met him no matter that he spent the last times in illusion zerker.  In either form I will miss him dearly.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:32:18 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'He was pretty much always there for anyone in the guild that needed help.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:32:37 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'We would not be where we are without him.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:33:00 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'he path in front of us not as easy without him as it has been before with him.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:33:06 2020] Truhealen tells the guild, 'will be  wearing  this  top hat  for awhile in memory Innoruuk's Black Rose Head Ornament'
[Fri Oct 02 17:33:29 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'He is one of the few people to perhaps have an even eviler sense of humor than I have.  '
[Fri Oct 02 17:33:43 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'I was thinking a couple of days ago.  '
[Fri Oct 02 17:34:02 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Our guild radio station uses a utility program named Broadcast Using This Tool... but no one calls it that... it's just referred to as butt.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:34:24 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'I am sure he would laugh his ass off if he knew that the audio portions of this memorial are being broadcast out of Raiv's butt.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:34:35 2020] Kelie tells the guild, 'rofl'
[Fri Oct 02 17:34:58 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'better than Reo's butt'
[Fri Oct 02 17:35:04 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'sorry.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:34:46 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'I give the floor to Medimus now ...  '
[Fri Oct 02 17:35:01 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'I've known Joltz for almost as long as EQ has been around.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:35:13 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'He and his wife (she played "Yandadara") were an absolutely amazing healing duo that kept our groups alive against sometimes crazy odds.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:35:28 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'She's not played in quite some time, but she's an absolute sweetheart that really needs your thoughts and prayers right about now.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:35:45 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'When he played Joltz and you were in his group, you could rest assured that you were likely to be in the last group standing.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:36:00 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'I've known Daryl in real life for about almost as long.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:36:14 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'TeamSpeak and Ventrilo at first, but about 10 years ago I was in his area on an errand and he and his wife met us for dinner.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:36:29 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'It was jarring at first:  In the game, Joltz was a halfling and Yandadara was a High Elf, but in real life Daryl was a bear of a man and his wife the smaller one.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:36:42 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'That took a bit of getting used to...'
[Fri Oct 02 17:36:56 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'We met again a few years later at a cabin that Dilani owns in Oregon and spent several days together there.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:37:08 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'He put his real-life skills to use there repairing a water pump and the cabin's electrical systems and just in general making things work.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:37:26 2020] Medimus tells the guild, '(I worked on the toilet, and over - yes, over - the cabin's cesspool. Don't ask...)'
[Fri Oct 02 17:37:43 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'While he was used to working with immense high-volume pumps and high-voltage electrical systems he was perfectly content to work on the ancient and primitive versions that were in use at that cabin, and we enjoyed our time there immensely.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:37:59 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'That time and those memories are now precious to me.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:38:12 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'Never forget, folks:  There are actual real-life PEOPLE behind the characters in the game.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:38:25 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'I've met some of them and have talked to many more, and one thing I've learned is that the in-game character is usually nothing more than a thin mask.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:38:38 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'Great characters in the game are usually played by great people in real life.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:38:51 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'Joltz/Bruinor was no exception. I'm going to miss Bruinor, but I mourn Daryl.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:39:06 2020] Medimus tells the guild, '"When you say goodbye to a friend, assume that one of you is going to die before you ever get to see one another again.  If you want to leave something unsaid, fine...but be prepared to leave it unsaid forever." (Walter Slovotsky, via Joel Rosenberg)'
[Fri Oct 02 17:39:20 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'Goodbye, Bruinor.  Rest in peace, Daryl.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:39:36 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Thank you Medimus'
[Fri Oct 02 17:39:56 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'I now give the floor to Reolox...and a box of tissues as well'
[Fri Oct 02 17:40:30 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'I found out that i was to speak about 30 mins ago so i didnt prepare you will have to bear with me..'
[Fri Oct 02 17:41:08 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'Daryl was the best friend i ever had... i was his tank merc and he ws my zerker merc and we tore some shit up'
[Fri Oct 02 17:42:15 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'there wasnt a day go by that he and i did speak.  The last few days have been a roller coaster of emotions... first shock....then denial...the sorrow...back to denial......this couldnt be real.... i mean we had just talked'
[Fri Oct 02 17:43:08 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'Then came anger....why the hell did this happen...and why did it happen to him??? Its not fair...and to be honest its a mixture of anger and sorrow now. '
[Fri Oct 02 17:45:53 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'i am not saying all this to bum anyone out...just sharing and saying what most wont say.  Bruinor and I took great pleasure in helping others...we just enjoyed playing the game.  Medimus can attest we took learning every quest...every was a challenge...a challenge to be beat.  Now ..we fight without him..and I miss him. I mourn for his family...both guild and RL...'
[Fri Oct 02 17:46:28 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'One final Raive said ...Daryl was evil and i would like to share a few examples.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:47:22 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'Back in the day Joltz was always our ML...this was before the Advloot option.  So we are out killing and looting for a good while and as usual he ports us to PoK so he can sell and split'
[Fri Oct 02 17:48:19 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'So he sells and runs to the bank....its taking longer than usual for him to we wait... just standing in the middle of PoK twiddling our thumbs and whistling a tune.  '
[Fri Oct 02 17:48:44 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'FINALLY the split was a few hunderd plat for each toon...ALL IN COPPER!!!!!'
[Fri Oct 02 17:49:00 2020] Nyborg tells the guild, 'lolol'
[Fri Oct 02 17:49:08 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'so here we are ...none of us can move.......he had to come sow us just so we could walk to the bank'
[Fri Oct 02 17:49:12 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'hehehehe'
[Fri Oct 02 17:49:34 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'thats other story and i will shut the hell up...........and this one is about him getting the last laugh'
[Fri Oct 02 17:50:43 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'a few days ago Jaketarra sent Bruinor a Bulwark of Many Portals  that had 0 charges...Jake is a good friend of ours and does shit like that to us all the time'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:09 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'so Bru's last night on...his last action before logging for the night.........was to send Jake 50 copper........'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:19 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'in parcels'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:26 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'ONE COPPER AT A TIME'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:31 2020] Jaketarra tells the guild, 'yup and I will keep it there forever'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:32 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'Hahaha'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:33 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'ROFL'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:41 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'LOL'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:52 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'I will miss you brother friend......BAH!!!!'
[Fri Oct 02 17:51:56 2020] Chrysalis tells the guild, 'that was Dayrl alright'
[Fri Oct 02 17:52:02 2020] Rayserker tells the guild, 'BAH!!'
[Fri Oct 02 17:52:15 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'hahaha'
[Fri Oct 02 17:52:15 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'thank you Reo...'
[Fri Oct 02 17:52:34 2020] Chrysalis tells the guild, 'Amen to BAH!! brother'
[Fri Oct 02 17:53:44 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'oh yea one other thing...he left me all his plat =P'
[Fri Oct 02 17:54:02 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'in copper I am sure'
[Fri Oct 02 17:53:08 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'the floor is now open for all to share their stories and rememberances.  Don't worry about talking over each other... we will sort that out in post production (:)  A transcript of this will be sent to his spouse.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:53:35 2020] Ellamental tells the guild, 'I've played this game off and on since 99. There are a handful of people I've played this game with that I would jump on a plane and cross the country if they neded me. Joltz/Bruinor was one of them. Everytime I've come back to play, he's been right here to help me get up to speed again. I can't imagine playing without him.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:53:53 2020] Ellamental tells the guild, 'And so I say, this is for you, Bru... AFK A SEC!'
[Fri Oct 02 17:54:08 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'OWWWWWWW!'
[Fri Oct 02 17:54:26 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'WOOT'
[Fri Oct 02 17:54:03 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'Zandez of PR sends his condolences to our guild for our loss.  He said he will pray for his family.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:55:17 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'so I have a story to share...but give me a min'
[Fri Oct 02 18:00:15 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'well...Joltz was like a brother to me in a way.  always somewhere with me when I Darchiva.  always at my back with Darchi and even in RL he was always one phone call, one text, one message from me.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:00:55 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'this has always been so hard on me saying goodbye to our FK family in this way...because they have all been family.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:01:06 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'and we have lost so many'
[Fri Oct 02 18:01:35 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'Rasi, Ixo, Yagir, Kreaa, and now Joltz'
[Fri Oct 02 18:02:27 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'Goodnight my brother...and thank you for being that part of my life both in game and in RL.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:34 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'did you guys know Daryl played Santa?'
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:50 2020] Darchi tells the guild, '/giggle...'
[Fri Oct 02 17:56:06 2020] Chrysalis tells the guild, 'Dayrl and Walter  the twwo best Seeing Eye Doorf in the Game'
[Fri Oct 02 17:55:24 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'I remember meeting reo and bruinor  for the first time, they helped me in TOFS for my earring, they were like a meat grinder. so helpful and nice to someone they just met. '
[Fri Oct 02 17:55:53 2020] Rusalki tells the guild, 'Last Friday night was one of the best nights in game ever. On a whim we were invited to join Reo and Bruinor and they ended up joining us in Velks. Bruinor and I had a thing over the last few months where every time someone said something we liked in guild chat we would send each other a tell. "Title of your sex tape."  Last Friday he said, "This would be a lot harder if I was in kobold illusion. " and I said, Title of your sex tape and then I started to laugh. I laughed so hard I peed a bit'
[Fri Oct 02 17:57:25 2020] Rusalki tells the guild, 'I laughed so hard my sides hurt.  And then he said "I'm going to fire one off in front of the guild during a raid one night." and I said "Title of your sex tape" and that just about broke all of us. I'm so glad we had that night together and so grateful for years of fun. '
[Fri Oct 02 17:57:56 2020] Kelie tells the guild, 'hahahah!!'
[Fri Oct 02 17:58:02 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'I remember that night, people were having an amazing laugh.'
[Fri Oct 02 17:56:56 2020] Majique tells the guild, 'Cannot remember a time J wasn't there..  Been a long time. Only fairly recently got to know Daryl a bit too.  Always good to send me a joke he knows I would enjoy.  I will miss him immensly. '
[Fri Oct 02 18:00:09 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'HERES TO BRUINOR!!! '
[Fri Oct 02 18:00:22 2020] Medimus tells the guild, '/agree'
[Fri Oct 02 18:00:23 2020] Chrysalis tells the guild, 'WOOOT!!'
[Fri Oct 02 18:00:31 2020] Loblo tells the guild, 'best names ever ).....RIP Bruinor Battlehammer '
[Fri Oct 02 18:00:56 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'the asshole is fixing stuff in Heaven now '
[Fri Oct 02 18:01:05 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'lol'
[Fri Oct 02 18:01:26 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'more like tearing it up I suspecxt'
[Fri Oct 02 18:01:41 2020] Chrysalis tells the guild, 'GOD is in trouble now :-)'
[Fri Oct 02 18:01:53 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'He already kicked the loot gods' asses.  That's why that trophy finally dropped last night.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:01:59 2020] Como tells the guild, 'For those who didn't know. Joltz/Bruinor was a Navy man. He and I would swap stories of our memories from our service. None that i wil share, since they are pretty unbelivable, which is to say they were you had to be there kind of conversations. I was fortunate enough to have had deep conversations as well with him in discord and on the phone and I was also fortunate to be part of the exploring with Reolox, Medimus, Tank (AKA Chrysalis) and many morefolks that he would help out nightly.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:02:07 2020] Como tells the guild, 'When a Shipmate retires, we say Fair Winds and Following Seas. And do a changing of the guard or The Watch. Shipmate, you are relived and we have the watch. Rest well my friend. The thing I will miss most is the audio trigger in discord that repeated, "It's Dead JIM" from Star Trek when a mob died in game. It was hilarious, as most have mentioned, just like Jay. You will be missed brother'
[Fri Oct 02 18:05:24 2020] Anok tells the guild, 'I will always remember Dayrl/Joltz/Bruinor, not as someone who only loved this game but made it special for others.  As you all know I don't talk/write much but it is an import part of the game for me to hear/read the fun banter back and forth, Dayrl helped make this game special to me, I will miss him.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:05:02 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'We should make a hall of heros, cause he was a hero to me'
[Fri Oct 02 18:08:10 2020] Rayserker tells the guild, 'I will miss my zerker merc brother, my friend and mentor...sorry I am not much for words at the moment  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:13:46 2020] Truhealen tells the guild, 'when i  got  to  fk  it  was  because LOm  folded  with the  death  of tallared an when i  came  back to  game i was  welcomed  here  . joltz was one of the  first  people to  help me  along  with reo an  como an medimus an chys. i have  spent many hours in game an in discord with  daryl he is my  freind on facebook an he an i would  share  funny  videos oe meme's an i dont think ill evr  miss anyone  calling me a dumb ass anymore than  him .....   '
[Fri Oct 02 18:14:36 2020] Ellamental tells the guild, 'We'll help you with that pain, Tru...'
[Fri Oct 02 18:13:42 2020] Majique tells the guild, 'Yandadara I am EXTREMELY sorry for your loss.  /hugs. (was told you would read this)'
[Fri Oct 02 18:02:48 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'thank you all so much for sharing...'
[Fri Oct 02 18:03:19 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'I had an entire RP thing I was going to do here... all rp grandiose and such.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:03:37 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'But I decided to not.  I want to speak for just a few minutes on how special this place is  and how special each and every one of you are.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:03:59 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'The world seems to be in chaos right now.  People hating each other for a variety of reasons.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:04:16 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'our members represent every hue on the political spectrum in the real world.  Lots of us would probably  not get along so well in the real world.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:04:29 2020] Raivene tells the guild, '.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:04:36 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'But here....  In this space....hate has no place.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:04:57 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'We have programmers, plumbers, housewives, retirees, military, veterans, disabled folks, unemployed... people of  every profession.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:05:14 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'No one looks down on anyone though...'
[Fri Oct 02 18:05:31 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Because here .... in this space ... hate has no place.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:05:33 2020] Como tells the guild, 'Except Amadaus'
[Fri Oct 02 18:05:36 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'well i do hate everyone Raive...but its not personal =P'
[Fri Oct 02 18:05:51 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'We represent all the races in RL.  and that is never an issue here.  We get along and we prosper together.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:06:10 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Because here .... in this space ... hate has no place.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:06:24 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'This game has it's own bigotries too.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:06:36 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Dwarves hate the high elfs.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:06:48 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'The high elfs hate the dark elfs.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:06:58 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'The dark elfs hate everybody'
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:06 2020] Donamok tells the guild, 'everyone hates  gnomes'
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:14 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'and everybody hates the gnomes.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:26 2020] Vesuvan tells the guild, '!!!'
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:30 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'But not here.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:43 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Because here .... in this space ... hate has no place.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:07:59 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'A lot of the times, we take each other for granted.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:08:15 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'We don't get to know another guildie as well as we should or as well as we would like.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:08:30 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'There is always tomorrow to do that.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:08:42 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'But tomorrow is never guaranteed '
[Fri Oct 02 18:09:05 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'it is our loss to those that did not get close to Bruinor... or Kreaa.... or Ixodiacl, or Rasi or so many others over the years.  to have missed that opportunity.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:09:27 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Take the time... seize the opportunity to get to know your fellow guildmates.  '
[Fri Oct 02 18:09:40 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Every one is a gem.  Every one a treasured memory now and down the road.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:09:55 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Don't wait to do this, because this opportunity is fleeting.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:10:12 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Any one of us could be gone tomorrow.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:10:39 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Every one of us is special and unique and worth knowing  and unlike the real world there are no barriers here to getting to know someone.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:10:56 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Because here ... in this space .... hate has no place.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:11:51 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Please join me in a toast of Brell's best to a dwarf that was small of stature, but a giant in his humanity. (drink your brerll's best!)'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:06 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'Bruinor loved progressing thru this it quests ...tradeskills......and in his words "this fucking earring" but he always said..."they dont call it everquest for nothing"  ...from here on out ...we need to move forward...keep grinding.......lend a hand to each other and play to our optimum potential'
[Fri Oct 02 18:11:58 2020] <lots of people drinking, some falling to the ground, some passing out completely.  Brell's Best is a very potent drink...>
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:07 2020] Greym tells the guild, 'cheers'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:12 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'we got drinks?????'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:22 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'CHEERS'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:23 2020] Darchi tells the guild, 'CHEERS!!!'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:26 2020] Drakanna tells the guild, 'cheers!'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:32 2020] Rusalki tells the guild, 'cheers'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:42 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'bunch of damn lighweightes'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:46 2020] Chrysalis says, 'me aont as thipk as you drun i'
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:50 2020] Rayserker tells the guild, 'CHEERS TO BRUINOR!!! RIP Daryl '
[Fri Oct 02 18:12:56 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'amen'
[Fri Oct 02 18:13:17 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'may he live forever in our hearts'
[Fri Oct 02 18:13:20 2020] Kenanna tells the guild, 'May his memory be a blessing to us.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:13:27 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'please stand... those that can and are not toally drunk off thier butt right now... And give a salute Bruinor...
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:07 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'Please stand to and sound off for roll call when your name is called'
[Fri Oct 02 18:13:30 2020] <21 gun salute plays on RadioFK>
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:19 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'MEDIMUS'
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:24 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'AYE!'
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:35 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'REOLOX'
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:37 2020] Reolox tells the guild, 'BAH!!!'
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:47 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'CHRYSALIS'
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:49 2020] Chrysalis tells the guild, 'Whrysalis Sturmrage Hammy, Standing Vigil'
[Fri Oct 02 18:15:57 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'BRUINOR'
[Fri Oct 02 18:16:10 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'BRUINOR'
[Fri Oct 02 18:16:15 2020] Lortiband tells the guild, 'AWOL!'
[Fri Oct 02 18:16:23 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'BRUINOR'
[Fri Oct 02 18:16:35 2020] Greym tells the guild, 'AFK'
[Fri Oct 02 18:16:43 2020] <Taps plays on RadioFK>
[Fri Oct 02 18:17:40 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'thank you all for attending... I love you all... stay and keep safe'
[Fri Oct 02 18:17:49 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'thank you all, and thank you Raive for putting this together.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:17:59 2020] Rusalki tells the guild, 'thanks for puting this together.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:18:00 2020] Greym tells the guild, 'and you as well, thanks for this'
[Fri Oct 02 18:20:13 2020] Drakanna tells the guild, 'does anyone please have a tradable two handed slash weapon please? i'd like to buy a Axe of Rallos Zek Ornamentation (aka the biggest damn axe i can find in the marketplace) and put it in our Room of Remembrance'
[Fri Oct 02 18:22:50 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'radioFK will now resume it's normal programming...  peace to everyone...'
[Fri Oct 02 18:22:59 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'Thank you, Raive'
[Fri Oct 02 18:23:10 2020] Zuddo tells the guild, 'Well done Raive'
[Fri Oct 02 18:23:32 2020] Kenanna tells the guild, 'Thank you for organizing this, Raiv'
[Fri Oct 02 18:23:44 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'it was my honor'
[Fri Oct 02 18:27:22 2020] Rayserker tells the guild, 'Im logging for the evening to spend some time with the family, make sure to hold your friends and family never know....Good night FK '
[Fri Oct 02 18:31:35 2020] Drakanna tells the guild, 'Thank you Raive for fulfilling the axe idea, from the throneroom if you take the left hall and first door on your left you will find out Room fof Remembrance, and now it has the biggest friggin axe we could find in it for Bruinor'
[Fri Oct 02 18:33:32 2020] Kelie tells the guild, 'thank you raive'
[Fri Oct 02 18:35:15 2020] Lilpatt tells the guild, 'Thanks to the entire FK family for coming together and remembering our fallen brother.  Though we may not talk every day or be in the same group, we are a family and we have and always will be here for each other.  May God Bless and Keep you.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:35:28 2020] Chrysalis tells the guild, 'you all have a good night im gonna get a good drunk on and have 4 or 5 drinks for Bru '
[Fri Oct 02 18:35:51 2020] Rusalki tells the guild, 'lots of love for you Lilpatt'
[Fri Oct 02 18:35:56 2020] Kelie tells the guild, 'goodnight  brothers, much love to all! '
[Fri Oct 02 18:35:58 2020] Katies tells the guild, '<3'
[Fri Oct 02 18:36:10 2020] Drakanna tells the guild, 'hugs everyone'
[Fri Oct 02 18:36:11 2020] Rusalki tells the guild, 'have a good sleep friends'
[Fri Oct 02 18:36:26 2020] Katies tells the guild, '*HUGZ*'
[Fri Oct 02 18:36:28 2020] Medimus tells the guild, 'Hugs, all - and I'm thinkin' that Chrysalis has a good plan.'
[Fri Oct 02 18:37:01 2020] Katies tells the guild, 'Me too Imma crack open the bottle for lortiband'
[Fri Oct 02 18:37:42 2020] Lilpatt tells the guild, 'Agreed, forgoing meds tonight for the liquid version.  Good night all'
[Fri Oct 02 18:39:46 2020] Raivene tells the guild, 'I read that as foraging meds tonight for the liquid version... and I wanted to learn how to do that'
[Fri Oct 02 18:39:54 2020] Medimus tells the guild, '/snicker'


October 05, 2020, 04:56:37 pm #7 Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 04:58:48 pm by Kiras
Sorry I missed it. I figured with the starting time in the motd set at 8 eastern, I'd be too late  :(

This came out of nowhere and I'm still kind of in disbelief.  I'll miss him.


I just heard about this. What a bummer, he was a great guy.

"Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big old storm right in the eye and says, 'Give me your best shot. I can take it.'" -- Big Trouble in Little China
