March 06, 2025, 07:59:25 pm


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Tank / Chrysalis

Started by medimus, February 27, 2023, 03:13:16 pm

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For those that aren't aware or haven't been checking Discord, Tank (Chrysalis) suffered a bad fall a few weeks ago, breaking ribs and cracking vertebrae.  He spent about 2 weeks in the hospital, in and out of ICU for breathing issues.  Ultimately he was placed into hospital hospice care, then late last week he was discharged into home hospice.  More complete details are available in the #General text channel on Discord.

At this time he's taking calls and texts as he can, please feel free.

Updates will be posted in Discord as I get them from his sister.  Keep them all in your prayers and thoughts, please.


March 02, 2023, 03:32:45 pm #1 Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 03:35:49 pm by medimus
About 5:30 this morning (his time) I got the text that we knew was coming, but that I dreaded anyway.

Tank Holland, 1956-2023.  Rest in peace, bud.


R.I.P brother. The world took you too soon,You were always the best guy ever. Wear your wings with pride and happiness forever.


There will be an in-game farewell party for Tank/Chrysalis on Saturday, March 11 at 6pm EST, at the Tiger's Roar in Highhold Keep.  There's a "sword and board" clicky on the wall in the guild hall that will take you to High Keep, one zone away, or you can take the Crescent Reach stone from PoK and run due east to the zone.  If you don't like navigating the canyons in Highhold Keep you might be able to get one last CoH from Chrysalis if you ask nicely.

We'll have conversation in the "Tank's Red Room" channel in Discord to save tons of typing, and he's got a fair number of Bulwarks of Many Portals (Gate doors...) to hand out to attendees (must be present to receive, there's no parcel vendor there).

Bring your best stories about Tank, and let's give him (and Chrysalis) a good farewell.  See you there.