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Ace pilot

Started by medimus, September 23, 2022, 03:00:53 pm

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A plane rental company had a star pilot, one of the best in the business, and he was assigned to a flight chartered by a couple of corporate bigwigs visiting the Seattle area. From their takeoff in LA all the way up to Seattle their trip was flawless, with the pilot expertly guiding the small plane around turbulence and pointing out landmarks along the way. But as they neared Seattle the radios went out, and as the entire Puget Sound area was completely fogbound the corporate bosses started to get quite concerned. As the pilot circled he saw the top of a tall building peaking out over the fogbank, with somebody standing on a balcony watching them. He circled low enough to call out the window, "Where am I?" The guy on the balcony shouted back, "You're in an airplane!"

Instantly the pilot banked away and snapped into a new heading, then to the amazement of his passengers started to descend into the fog. A couple of minutes later in zero visibility the plane smoothly touched down smack in the middle of a runway and taxied to a stop at a small terminal. The passengers were astonished, and demanded to know how he'd done it. "That was actually pretty easy," he told them. "That guy on the building gave me an answer that was both totally correct and absolutely useless. I knew he was with Microsoft tech support, and from their building Renton Municipal Airport is 197 degrees at a distance of 10.78 miles."