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Two chickens

Started by medimus, October 29, 2020, 02:56:34 pm

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A party official was trying to explain the concepts and benefits of Socialism to a farmer one day, leading to the following exchange.

Official: Zo the concept iz simple, comrade farmer. As Marx heemself said, "From each accordink to ability, to each accordink to need."  Are you now understandink?

Farmer: (very confused) Umm... Nyet...

Official: Then try ziss example. Zuppose a farmer has two cows.  Ve vould take one of them, and give to farmer that has no cows.  Iz good, da?

Farmer: (brightening a bit) Oh, da!  Is good!

Official: And zuppose another farmer has two tractors. Ve vould take one, and give to farmer that has no tractors.  Is good, da?

Farmer: (excited) Oh, da!  Is WERY good!

Official: And zuppose another farmer has two cheekens.  Ve vould take one, and give to farmer that has none.  Da?

Farmer: Oh, nyet! NYET! Iz NOT good!  Not good at ALL.  Nyet!

Official: But vhy, comrade?

Farmer: I have two cheekens!