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Welcome to the Frayed Knot EverQuest Discussion forums. This discussion forum is for the exclusive use of the members of the Frayed Knot guild and their authorized guests. Any use other than that authorized by the forum owner and administrators is prohibited.

Welcome to Frayed Knot

Started by Kenluin, March 09, 2020, 06:12:32 pm

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March 09, 2020, 06:12:32 pm Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 07:35:37 pm by Kenluin
Welcome to Frayed Knot- on The Rathe Server in Everquest

Current Content and Recent Wins

We have beaten selective targets in: Torment of Velious

We have beaten selective targets in: The Burning Lands

We are farming gear in The Torment of Velious

If you are new to Frayed Knot, or our system, please take the time to read the recruiting information, and the loot rules. It is very important that you know and understand these rules before you raid with us.

Please use your in-game MAIN character name as your Forum account name or it will be deleted.

Recruiting and Guesting Information

General Information

Frayed Knot is the oldest raiding guild on The Rathe Server.  Most of our members are parts of bygone guilds who still wish to take part in a strategy guild environment.  We cater to all variety of gaming for Family, Friends, and even the Hardcore.  We raid 4 nights a week, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 8:15 until 11:30pm EST.  This is 7:15-10:30 CST, 6:15-9:30 MST, and 5:15- 8:30 PST, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are always free nights along with most Holidays. We are DKP based (Dragon Kill Points) for all awarded loots for our members and guests.  The event and item values vary by tier.


The following represents our current recruitment goals. First off we expect recruits to raid. Raiding is our major focus as a guild. You will be required to meet 40% raid attendance (~2 nights a week) to progress toward membership within the first month. You will be required to keep the minimum during the first week to continue your recruitment with Frayed Knot. The first week is critical in establishing your genuine interest in raiding and becoming acquainted with the guild. If at any point after that first week, but prior to becoming a full member, your raid attendance falls below 25% you can expect to be removed due to inactivity unless a RO overrides the requirement. Conversely, exceeding expectations will increase your Membership bonus after you pass your vote.

Our current needs are as follows:

We are currently recruiting all classes.

As a recruit, you will receive a 300 DKP sign on bonus once you have undergone your entrance parse, and another bonus when you are voted into the guild as a member that is based on your attendance.

a. For passing the vote, you get a bonus of 100 DKP.
b. If your attendance exceeds 60%, you will receive an additional 100 DKP, or 200 DKP total.
c. If your attendance exceeds 80%, you will receive an additional 100 DKP (to the 60% attendance level) or 300 DKP total.

Additionally anyone you state referred you in your application will also receive a bonus.

We many ask you to guest raid with us a few times before you apply to ensure that you and Frayed Knot will be a strong match. Those who do not meet these minimum requirements can still apply, but should speak with Darchi, Reolox, or Taylon for consideration. If you are accepted with less than the minimum requirements, we will expect for you to gain at least a level per week, and to be able to begin regular raiding with us before you will be able to officially begin the recruitment process and progress toward full membership.

Guest Raiding

Guest are welcomes to raid with us on any of our raid days.  You are held to the same rules as our membership but with a few limitations.  Guests do not have to complete a membership application or go thru the recruitment process.

1. Primary point of contact will be our Gate Keeper- Taza.  If Taza is not online you can send a tell to any member of Frayed Knot to find out who the leader is.

2. You must be registered on our forums for raid information and with the DKP site in order to record, track and receive DKP.  (you can contact Kenluin, Kenanna,or Majique in game to activate your acct). Gina is a must.  On our Forum is the procedure to setup Gina properly as well as much needed raid information so please sign in and read new content often. We will provide the Gina trigger packs for each raid. 

3. You will be asked to join our Auction channel so that you can bid on items posted.  Guests are limited to bidding up to 400DKP on any item.  Please Know our loot policy so that there are NO mistakes.  If our guests do not raid for 90 days or more, your name and DKP will be removed from the system.

Please read below...once you are ready, send a tell to Darchi, Reolox (Recruitment), Kiras (Guild and Raid Leader), Taza (Raid Gatekeeper) or any other officer who can help you get setup.

What you Should do

1. Complete an application.  It is highly recommended that on your application you take some time to make a good first impression by answering all the questions in a clever and insightful manner.  Your application will be viewed by all members of Frayed Knot who will use it as the first source to get to know you better.  Once you submit your application you will be contacted by a Recruitment Officer as soon as possible OR you can send a tell to Darchi,  or Reolox  We strive to answer within 3 days.  Make yourself available in-game and on the forums.  If we do not contact you, contact any officer directly as there may have been an issue with your application.

2. Register: After you have been accepted as a recruit you will need to register with your character name as your user name.  If you do not use your Character name you will not be able to receive your DKP or access to the boards.  There is information on the forums that we will expect you to know.  If anything comes up that will prevent you from meeting your attendance expectations you need to contact a recruitment officer and post it on the forums on the thread that is provided.

3.  GINA is mandatory for all raids.  Failing to follow emotes will get you removed from the raid and possibly guild.  While it is technically possible to follow emotes without the help of GINA, we strongly recommend you use the tools available to mitigate any potential issues.  You will need to download the program and customize it to best suite your needs.  There are detailed posts on the Forums on how to install and use GINA. 

4.  Set up a Multi-bind.  It is applicable to every class to some extent.  It will help you keep your spells and special attacks on lock out, which means you will have a higher potential output.  While it is not the only method to play, it sets a very high level of performance for relatively low effort and allows players to focus more on the event, instead of what they should be clicking next.  Some excellent examples are found in our forums. 

5.  You need to be able to safely navigate to any zone.  Have current maps. Making the guild wait on you is BAD.

6.  Maintain at least 40% raid attendance. If at any point during your recruitment period your raid attendance falls below 25%, or if you disappear for 2 consecutive weeks without first speaking to a recruitment officer, your guild membership will be terminated.  Once you reach member status your raid attendance will not be under much scrutiny unless you totally disappear without having developed significant tenure, IE over 150 raid entries.  We will remove recruits who disappear for extended periods.

7.  You will be assigned a mentor.  We will do some initial and pre-vote assessments via parsing to set a baseline for your improvement.  We want you to succeed and you need to be willing to take direction and coaching.  Your Mentor who will help you with all your concerns and assist you with any questions that occur.

8.  Keys, Flags, and Gear- While we do not require these things to be fully met by recruits, we do expect to see evidence that you have taken the effort to develop your character.  We will help you get the flagging you need to progress and raid with us.  Gear is a natural by-product of raiding.  The more you raid the faster you will get geared up.  Intelligently use your DKP to improve your main.  Do not bid up gear that is focused on other class needs unless you can get it for a bargain.  Melee bidding on caster gear and non-tanks biding on tank gear will be viewed negatively.  Avoid spending DKP on alts.  We need you to improve your main character to be an effective raider first.

9.  NO DRAMA...Did I say NO DRAMA?  It is expected that you treat everyone better than the way you wish to be treated.  We do not tolerate complaining, bad mouthing, slurs, pointing blame, or excessive competitiveness.  Correct any miscommunications quickly.  We are a team that works as a team.  We strive to maintain an atmosphere where all of our members will excel.

10.  Have a click/potion/AA to shrink, gate, levitate, invisibility and Invisibility Versus Undead yourself.  EVERYONE is required to shrink for every raid no matter what class you are unless explicitly approved by the raid leader on an event by event basis.  Typically only reserved for the main assist or crowd control. 

11.  Expansions- own them all in a timely manner after the release.  We understand real life and budgeting, but missing expansions will severely limit what you can do with your guild.

12.  Have a good attitude.  You need to have a raider's outlook on failure.  There are no lessons in victory, but a thousand in failure.  We will wipe on new events and, heaven forbid, occasionally on farm targets.  It is important to keep a positive attitude to keep the raid moving forward and functioning smoothly.  If you want to learn more or gain insight- use your class mentors who have advice to help your game play.

13.  Finally, do not use any hacks like macroquest, or violate any of the rule set in EULA...EVER.  Do not ask for personal information from members including account information.  To do so will end your membership and you will be reported.


1.  Clerics, Druids, and Shaman- Play as Healers first and foremost.  You need to be able to solo heal your group and help with the Main and Off Tanks.  Just healing your group is not even close to enough.

2.  Warriors, Shadow Knights, and Paladins- The only reason to have a tank on a raid is to take a beating so others do not.  This means you must Disc to survive and snap agro on the mobs.  You are a detriment to the raid if you can't get the mobs attention and survive the encounter.  You must be constantly communicating in channel about your status and making yourself useful.  Tanks have a special channel with our healers so they can receive in it at all times.

3.  ALL DPS classes- You absolutely need to excel as DPS.  You must be able to shed aggro and survive.  We do parse so do not slack.  ALL classes should be open to advice from our raid leaders. Use your Multi-binds!

4.  Support classes- You absolutely need to communicate and be prepared for expected events.  If we get adds every X+30 seconds, you MUST be casting on those mobs at X+30.5 seconds.  Coordinate with your groups to optimize their DPS.  Effectively use all of your time doing something beneficial.


After your 30 day recruitment, a 5 day guild wide vote occurs to determines your acceptance into Frayed Knot.  The options include Yes, No, or More Time. 

If a recruit receives 5 No, the applicant will be terminated. 

If a recruit receives a combination of 5 More Time or No votes, the applicant will get a 2 week extension where a Yes or No vote will be posted.  If the final result has 5 or more No votes the applicant will be terminated.[/size]