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Login servers

Started by Joltz, July 30, 2019, 06:30:07 pm

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Looks like they're FUBAR
Keeping on trying

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. I will get to you eventually.


I am trying but with little success...keeps kicking me back.


Also having problem, patcher runs, then instead of server select, kicks back to old EQ login, and keeps timing out on attempts to login from there.
Will keep trying...


Not able to get in either.


Taza and Azat can't log in 8:07 EST


I also can not get in, I will keep trying.


Can't the authentication server seems to be working but the server that allows you to pick your game server seems to not be working


They pulled all servers offline so it is safe to say there was something seriously wrong.


Do I still get DKP for tonight's server crash raid?  :P


Not unless the Loot boss Kenluin says yes...and I doubt that!! hahaha...


Quote from: Rayserker on July 30, 2019, 07:47:01 pm
Do I still get DKP for tonight's server crash raid?  :P

you should keep your day job!