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Imbued Gems

Started by Kreaa, August 17, 2018, 02:31:22 pm

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I have listed out the imbued gems and some information about them for use in jewel craft. Thought some might find this helpful.

Imbued Gems
Amber - CLR. SHM -   Cazic-Thule
Black Pearl -  clr - prexus
Black sapphire -  clr -  bertoxxulous
Diamond - clr, shm -  Milthaniel Marr
Emerald - clr, dru - Tunare
Ivory - shm -  Tribunal
Jade - shm - Rallos Zek
Opal - clr - Rodcet Nife
Peridot - clr - Bristlebane
Plains Pebble - clr, dru -  Karana
Rose quarz - CLR -  Erollisis Marr
Ruby - clr -  Brell Serillis
Sapphire - clr, shm -  Innoruuk
Topaz - clr - Quellious
Metals to combine gems with:
Enchanted electrum, enchanted silver, enchanted gold, enchanted platinum.


August 17, 2018, 02:33:11 pm #1 Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 11:18:08 am by Kreaa
BTW, I could use 20 imbued black sapphire, diamond, jade, opal, rose quartz, or sapphire if anyone can make any of these. Thanks



Amber,             any troll shammy is most likely CT, maybe iksar
Black Pearl,       Erudite Cleric for Prexus
Black Sapphire, Good luck with that, not going to be many clerics of disease out there, might have to make your own (human? gnome? Eru?)
Diamond,          Froglok shammy should be Mith Marr
Jade,                Ogre shammy probably RZ maybe Iksar but they can be CT too
Opal,                Good luck with that, human cleric only i think for Rodcet Nife
Rose Quartz,     again probably human only for Erollisi Marr
Sapphire,          dark elf cleric should be Inny
Topaz,              again probably human only for Quellious


I have created a character who can imbue amber. Let me know if you need these.


Sapphire any dark elf cleric can make. I can make them with mine or ask Tru.
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