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Memorial Day

Started by Joltz, May 26, 2018, 09:00:33 pm

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I don't want to say "Happy" Memorial Day to all, as it should be a solemn occasion to pay tribute and honor the fallen warriors that payed so dearly for our freedoms. But I will say, please enjoy your holiday and to please take a moment of silence during your family barbecues and outings.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. I will get to you eventually.


May 27, 2018, 11:33:00 pm #1 Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 11:59:20 pm by Langya
As a veteran, Memorial Day is a day to celebrate the lives of those who are gone and remember that we did our jobs together.

Those who are not with us today would not want any moping about. Get out and live they would say if they could!

So, do what you enjoy while reflecting that it wasn't a pro-bono ride, nor will it ever be. This isn't money for noth'n and chicks for free, so every little bit matters.

Please, have a Happy Memorial Day! If you want solemn, save it for April 15th or whenever you pay your taxes.

In my battalion, more died from suicide and reckless accidents than conflict.  Preventing that is something that the home front does poorly. Keep that in mind, please.
There is no such thing as "Right" and 'Wrong".

Only Decisions and Consequences.