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Miro's Adventures in Wonderland

Started by Miro, May 15, 2017, 06:05:07 pm

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Currently a work in progress.  Plans are to update every other week, but we'll see.

On a side note, if Miro was doing this theme with FK members as characters instead of the current characters, Kiras would definitely have to be The Supreme Despot of Hearts.


Well, glad I gave myself 2 weeks per chapter, because after some people from my old roleplay group read the first chapter, they expressed interest in trying to make time to roleplay it after all   So it gives them time to write their own part and for me to clean it up to fit in with my writing.  I've already finished chapter 2, but I want to give it a few proofreads before putting it up.  In the meantime, here's a mock scene written back when the idea was first being pitched to my roleplay group (like... 5 years ago ):


Finally reaching a shore of some kind after what seemed like hours, Miro drags herself to higher ground before flopping down with exhaustion.
Miro doesn't like swimming and swimming doesn't like Miro.

She gets a chill from a cold breeze blowing by, but at the moment her arms are too exhausted to try to bundle up for warmth.  With a pout, she glares up at the sky.
Stupid wind!

You shouldn't speak to it like that.
Jumping from fright at hearing a sudden, unfamiliar voice, she looks around to find where it was coming from.   Seeing it belonged to a giant soaked rat didn't do much to give her any peace of mind, though.

Where'd you come from?

From my mother's womb.  Where did -you- come from?
eh... She looks to the side and scratches her chin.
From the same place I suppose...

You certainly don't look like any sister I've met before.
No... I meant... nevermind.

Another cold breeze blows by, causing both her and the rat to shiver.  In response, the rat shakes the water out of his fur, getting Miro more wet in the process.

It's no use dawdling about like that, sister.  You'll never get dry that way.  Come on.  Stand up and get that water off of you.
But... but Miro's not a rat!  She can't just wiggle around a moment and it's all gone.
The rat sighs and shakes his head sadly at her response.
There's always at least one idiot in every litter.

Very well then.  I have an alternate solution.
The rat sits back on his haunches and clears his throat, putting on a pair of spectacles.
I shall deliver you a lecture so dry that no single drop of fluid would come within a foot of you.  Now let's see here...
He makes a motion with his arms and hands as if he's flipping through the pages of a book, but there's nothing there.
Ah yes... Charles P. Geezer...

As the rat continues on about some random old dude who got lost at sea in a drunken stupor, Miro can't even try to follow along with what he's saying with that dronish voice of his and instead becomes mesmerized by the way he idly swishes his tail around as he speaks.
Quite a tale, is it not?
Quite a tail indeed.  It sure is long.
Of course it's long.  That's the point.
Point?  What point?
To get you dry, of course!
If you could get Miro dry with your tail, then why were you telling her a boring story?
The rat throws off his spectacles and groans.
Mya~  She frowns and quirks her head to the side at the rat's reaction.
Miro is confused~


Chapter 2 is up.

In other news, Miro should be back to raiding tomorrow.  Yieu had the week off and bogartted Miro.  She didn't even really have as much time as she wanted to proof read and edit that chapter  :'(



Chapter 3 is up.
This is the first chapter to be written jointly with a member of the roleplay group.




Wow I hope the kitty goes with her...she seemed so unhappy in this chapter.  When she catches that bunny she should give him a sound beating!


Chapter 5 is up.  A week late, but better late than never!


Chapter 6 is up.  The Mad Hatter and company were written by another member of the roleplay group.  Eventually, the preface is going to need to be rewritten to reflect the fact that the group came back together to co-write.


Really cool!!  so far I am enjoying it.




Chapter 9 is up.  Hopefully getting back on schedule.
