March 09, 2025, 09:49:23 am


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Started by Joltz, April 21, 2017, 08:46:29 pm

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From the Daybreak EQ forum: (

QuoteFor players whose anchors are placed in guildhalls and are not working.

Although onerous, please try the following steps exactly and report back if it did or did not fix the issue:
1. Save the placement layout of your guild hall
2. Pick up every single item that your character is the owner of in that guildhall
3. Camp out
4. Log back in
5. Place your anchor back in the guild hall (it should by the only item you are the owner of in that guildhall now)
6. Camp out
7. Log back in
8. Attempt to teleport to your placed anchor
9. Use the saved placement layout to correct the placement of any items you had to pick up to perform this test

Due to the way that some data errors have propagated picking up and placing only the anchor item is not enough to trigger the internal functions that are intended to fix the bug where the server is telling you your anchor isn't placed.

Worked for me, your mileage may vary.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. I will get to you eventually.


Also, probably a pita if you have a lot of items placed.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. I will get to you eventually.

Greym Greymantle

you can sort by owner and the name is easy to find. Also just picking it up , zoning out of the GH and then back in and replacing it worked for me. Did not have to log off
Rangers don't get lost ! We explore ! â,,¢