March 08, 2025, 07:58:49 pm


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bypassing launcher

Started by Espionovsky, December 30, 2015, 07:44:10 pm

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Go to the drive EQ is installed on example C/users/public after clicking public you will either see a folder names sony online or daybreak click the folder, inside the folder scroll down till you see eqgame.exe right click it and make a shortcut, the shortcut will be placed below this, right click the shortcut and cut it then paste it to desktop . At desktop right click the shortcut it should be on the shortcut tab by default, in the highlighted box you will see the pathway for the shortcut (example)"C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" (end example) in this box you will add the text patchme /login:Yourusername this is what it should look like "C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme /login:joebob Click apply and ok, now you can click the shortcut and it will launch to the old style login screen