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DKP System and Forums Now Linked

Started by Kenluin, December 08, 2015, 12:52:54 pm

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December 08, 2015, 12:52:54 pm Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 11:49:21 am by Kenluin
As the topic says, the Frayed Knot DKP system is now linked to the Frayed Knot Forums. What this means to you is that now someone new to us will need to register in one place, instead of two. Everyone will still have a logon ID in both systems, the major difference will be that you only need to remember one password (the forums password) as opposed to two. You can logout of each system individually, and log back in, but again, you will use your forum password to log back in.

If your forum ID is different (which it shouldn't be) you will have rwo different IDs in the DKP system. You can use both.


Do you mind linking where the DKP by player is kept?


It's under links above, but you can go to, click "DKP, Raids, and Items" then select "Points".



I think I'm getting closer.   

But when I click on the link to bring me here;

There is a place to log in, when I log in, it says I have no links for my character, click here to link your character.  When I click this link it says in a large red message;

The access to this page isn't allowed for you, because you have insufficient permissions.   :o

In the end it really doesn't make a big difference if adding access throws you off since I'm not a member.  But if I'm in the wrong place or if adding access is easy I'd appreciate your help. 

Either way thanks for the help and for letting me tag along these past few Sundays, hope to do more so in the future.


You are ok, it shouldn't be showing you that option since it is an admin job to assign characters to users.


By the way, in case anyone else has the same problem I did originally,

On the page there is a place in the top left corner to sign in.  I just had to be logged in to see the "DKP, Raids, and Items" menu.

Its a pretty good system. 


I do not have a DKP option I have been all over both sites can I get direction or tell me what I'm messing



having big trouble logging into DKP system with this, would like to see how many I have.


Have you done what I recommended the last time we spoke?