March 11, 2025, 01:10:05 pm


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Old Screen Shots

Started by Miro, March 18, 2015, 02:12:18 am

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While sorting through files on my old computer to see if there's anything I had forgotten on the hard drive and might want to transfer to my other one when I get that running again, I ventured into my screen shots folder and found I actually had quite a few, most of them Drannon's random bantering (man, I miss Drannon's bantering ).  And since I found myself having a good laugh at some of them, I decided to share.  Unfortunately, since I used to clean my screen shots folder regularly, I'm missing almost all of Drannon's "monster manual" entries, though.  Sad day.  A few of the files also somehow got corrupted so I don't know what was on them.

All of these are from between July 2006 and March 2007.  (Highly suggest clicking the magnifying glass on the upper right corner of the image to be able to read the text more easily.  I elected not to crop it just to the chat box out of laziness.)

Miro is Miro

Monster Manual: Jetslaw

Terris Thule Cosmetics

Haunted Chest (Backstory: Leatah was BoR's equivalent to Darchiva)

Meglomaniacle Behavior Pt.1

Meglomaniacle Behavior Pt. 2

Tiny Warriors

Mez Saves the Day Pt. 1 (Backstory:  Mezinusguys [I think was his full name] was an enchanter in the guild and one time while raiding Lirah the Bridgekeeper, all our warriors died and Mez tanked for the rest of the fight, keeping us from wiping.  And he didn't let us forget it either.)

Mez Saves the Day Pt. 2

Raid Injury Report

A Job Well Done

Access to KT

Monster Manual: Miro

Strange Phenomena

Gnome Problems

Gravitational Anomaly Pt. 1

Gravitational Anomaly Pt. 2

Mr. Suddenly Has To Go Right After a Wipe Guy

Healing Strats


Thanks for sharing.  Never knew Drannon but he has an impressive wit.


Admittedly, one of the biggest disappointments I had when returning to EQ a couple years back was finding out Drannon was no longer active.  :'(  But at least there were still a couple of other familiar names hanging around.  Scot and Kiras were also quick to fill the role I would have been depending on Drannon for in getting me up to speed on raid healing.


Drannon, that name takes me way way back.

Sherman set the wayback machine to 2003...

He was in Unseen Defenders I recall. We (Dragonslayers - my guild at the time) were allied, along with Order of the Black Sun (Medimus, Dilani aka Azerik, and many others).

Good times, mostly, all day raids on multiple days really did suck, but the people (like Drannon, et. al.) made it somewhat bearable.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. I will get to you eventually.