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Miro Does Art!

Started by Miro, February 23, 2013, 12:43:59 pm

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Getting there on Scot's.  Not looking forward to starting on that kilt, though

Probably go back and sharpen some edges after finishing up shading and maybe make some color adjustments.  On another note, probably won't be using this shading style for future requests (outside of paid requests [as in $$] ) because it's hard to stay motivated to continue working on it.  While Miro does enjoy blending, it can take a while to do.


One of the many disadvantages to putting something down for so long is that you end up completely hating the composition by the time you get back to it   Started work on Scot's piece again after finally finishing another long overdue piece.  So far I've extended the canvas on Scot's so that it no longer cuts off the bottoms of his feet and his sword.  And with that, I further prove that I can't draw a straight line to save my life

Will hopefully finally get Scot's done within the next few days, then I've got another
piece I'm working on that needs shading, a sketch I started that I intend for using as a FB cover and probably a cropped and resized version for my signature, and I've got a few other things backlogged that need to be started as well, but intend on sketching out Deegurl's request somewhere in there.


And here it is.  Actually spent just about as long trying to develop an artist signature for Miro as it took to finish it.  What's even more sad is that it's prettier than how Miro signs her real life name.


I think that is awesome!  An amazing 100 megabillion out of 10.

And the signature is cool ;)


Still have a backlog of stuff to take care of, but decided to edit the first post and change around some of the original rules.

TL;DR version of edits:  all offerings are now free and filling out a form is not required.  However, without references, a form, or donation, there's no guarantee you'll actually get what you want because that gives me full creative license and I'll make whatever I feel like.


Your work is incredible. Hi5!


Finished that cover yesterday as well as cropped it for my new sig.  Also finished another piece apparently last month.  For some reason I was thinking it was more recently than that.  I expressed interest in someone's contest on another site and that's got a June 22 deadline, so I should probably get to work on that soonish.  Plan on looking over Deegurl's form again and getting her that sketch finally in the near future as well, but Miro is a slow artist   Her "soon" is just about as bad as when SOE says they'll get something done "soon".


Managed to finish that contest piece by the deadline and won solely because I was the only one that actually made the deadline.  Miro takes solace in knowing she's not the only lazy artist out there.  Planning on the next piece being Deegurl's request.

Also also, updated the first post to take out some older work and put in some newer ones for references.


Rough concepts I sketched out for Deegurl's request.  I'm partial to concept 1 myself, but I'll leave it up to Dee which one I should run with since it's her request.


Internet was down here for a while, and though it seemed like a good time to make myself tackle that long neglected back log of mine, no internet also meant no access to references.  So I spent some time conceptualizing Misa instead... which mostly consisted of designing her tattoos.  Still need to design her back and leg tats.


Graphics card issues kind of threw a wrench in my plans to finish up my back log, but I'm hoping to actually finish it off this year.  Currently have 7 pieces to finish before the log is finally clear.  1 is in mid shading stage and two others have been sketched.  Tried to set a deadline for one of them as a means to push me to get it done, but computer issues will likely prevent me from making that deadline.  After my slate is clean, I'm hoping to start on the next big project:

I've got some ideas for a few pages and even story boarded 2 of them, but will need a lot of input from the guild for character designs and future comics once my storage of ideas has been emptied.  I'll probably give the project a thread of its own when I'm ready to start on it.  However, given my track record on art, it could be months if not years before I get to it   Trying to be less of a lazy artist, but I make no guarantees about it.


Oh, hey there.  Miro still does art, by the way.

Random stuff about Miro
Present thingy
Backlog piece
Concept outfits

I've still got 5 things left in my long standing backlog (that I clearly didn't finish last year like I was hoping) and am currently working on a personal piece that I'm not liking how it's coming out so far   Part of the problem is that my tendency to wait so long between drawings means I'm rusty, and the other part is I'm in the process of learning a new program and have to experiment a lot with the tools to see if I can get it to do what I want it to do.

To help loosen some of the rust, Miro's open to do some bust sketches on request.  Just remember that Miro uses old models in EQ, so if you want something closer to how you picture your character, Miro will need you to take a screen shot. (You can upload a screen shot to an image hosting site like
imgur and link it here) Otherwise, Miro will just be making stuff up based on how she sees your character.


QuoteMiro will just be making stuff up based on how she sees your character

That is a scary thought.


Armor bikinis for everyone!  Even the men!  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Was actually thinking about trying at a Kiras bust shot since there haven't been any takers yet and it would probably be a good example of how differently Miro might see a character than other people


Quote from: Miro on July 12, 2016, 11:52:23 am
... Miro's open to do some bust sketches on request...

I'd like to request one of Darcy's bust  ;D

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. I will get to you eventually.