March 08, 2025, 10:27:14 pm


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Miro Does Art!

Started by Miro, February 23, 2013, 12:43:59 pm

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Starting to detail Scot's armor now.


Lines are done on Scot now.  Don't worry!  The plaid pattern will come back during the coloring stage.  Miro plans on using this color scheme.  If you'd prefer something different, be sure to let Miro know. 


That's really starting to look nice Miro.  I think he needs to look more fierce though! 




Flat color is done.  Next step is to start on shading.


Started on shading.

And since the head is pretty much done... bonus avatar!


Heya GANG!! Hiya Miro,

I still want to do the tattoo, so if your game I will host some pics of Larul in her current gear (removing sword & Board illusion).
to the rest of you...

HUGS miss you all, I know I left quietly, wanted it quietly done, or I was gonna break down IRL.  what can I say? I send hugs, I buff you if asked, I join groups with you, I was unhappy not with you but with the situation, this had nothing to do with the current or past guild leaders or officers, they have been just great. I love you all, and I think of you all daily.

PS I hope it helps to know I cheer all the time for you all.


Definitely still game for the tattoo.  Just need the reference pictures to go off of.


hey Miro! this is a SS from Bart's NPC and I this is how he looked only difference he was in all black armor and I would like to be in a white robe... hope this helps


Yes, it does help.  If you would also fill out the form on the front page to give some additional details, it would be much appreciated.



TYPE:  Avatar/ signature when you can

*SIZE(S): what you think is best

REFERENCE(S):  SS is on previous post of the chars

HAIR COLOR:  Deegurl red and Bartlot white =)

EYE COLOR:  blueish-grey on both

SKIN COLOR:  umm as seen in SS elvish skin color

RACE:  high elf  for Deegurl and Bartlot was half elf I think....

CLASS:  Bartlot was a pally... would like to see his shield and sword if you are able when I am back in game I can run you to his NPC in game and show you so you can look at it more closely Deegurl is an enchanter =)

PERSONALITY:  I want the bond between the 2 to be shown very much... the love between them...I want it to look as you can tell he loves her and he would do anything to protect her even when he can not be seen.. I want him almost as a ghost like watching over her now

PREFERRED COLOR(S):  light colors for them I want Dee in a white robe and Bart in black.

*ADDITIONAL NOTES: I want it to be that she can feel him there even if she can not see him... I have wrote my ideas down for you... and now I am leaving it in your amazing artistic hands!! I know I will be very happy with what you do!! thank you so much for your time on this... we can discuss payment at a later time in game as soon as I am back... I thank you so much... also I will load my trader on and see if you need any collection pieces I have ... anything there that you need I will hand it over!! thanks for your time


Scot WIP since it's been a while.  Also, some other WIPS from another request gotten some time ago.


Simply outstanding work!  I love what you've done with it!  It even looks a little like me (minus the ripped abs-- I like to eat at least once a week thanks haha).