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Miro Does Art!

Started by Miro, February 23, 2013, 12:43:59 pm

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February 23, 2013, 12:43:59 pm Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 11:56:11 pm by Miro
Miro can do art for you!  But keep in mind that Miro is still a learning and growing artist, so she doesn't guarantee anything will be "perfect".  Originally she intended to just offer simple work such as sketches and avatars/signatures for free, but being the demand here isn't high, she decided to be open to any and all requests.  Donations are appreciated, but not necessary.

Filling out the form below isn't strictly required, but would be wise so that Miro knows what you want.  Do not expect Miro to get a screenshot of your character for you.  Miro uses old models for most races, so if you want something drawn based off of Luclin models and Hero's Forge items, Miro will not see them on her screen and she will not be changing her settings to get something that is your responsibility to provide.  If no reference images are provided and/or you choose not to fill out the form, your resulting image will be the product of what Miro sees on her own screen with low poly models combined with her own imagination.  Like it or not, a more specifically tailored image to you requires you to proved more info and references.  Miro is not a mind reader.



(oldest ---> newest
Linky | Linky | Linky | Linky | Linky

Other Stuff
(oldest ---> newest)
Linky | Linky | Linky | Linky | Linky | Linky

If you're wondering why some of them are signed "Tes", it's because Miro is known as Tes elsewhere on the interwebs.  Ones Miro does for guildies will be signed "Miro"

Leave blank whatever areas do not apply to your request and/or have no problem giving Miro creative license over.
[size=14pt][color=grey]~ART FOR ME!~[/color][/size]
[b]HAIR COLOR:[/b]
[b]EYE COLOR:[/b]
[b]SKIN COLOR:[/b]

How to Fill Out Form
Copy the text in the grey box above and paste it into your reply.  You can then fill out each individual section and all the fancy bbcode that makes it easier for Miro to read will already be done for you.  You just need to put in your information.

TYPE: (avatar, signature, sketch, magelo background, desktop wallpaper, pinup, half body image, full body image, bust, etc. etc. )
SIZE(S):  (proportions you want the image to be.  Please be sure to specify which number is width and which is height.  If left blank, I will pick a size I think is most appropriate, which may or may not suit what you're wanting it for.  Stating your plans of usage can also be put here instead.)
REFERENCE(S):  (screen shots, artwork, and/or photos to visually represent the character you want drawn as well as poses, textures, and patterns you'd like to see used, if any)
HAIR COLOR:  (self explanatory, I'd think)
EYE COLOR:  (same as above)
SKIN COLOR:  (same)
RACE:  (same)
CLASS: (assuming it's your everquest character, it would be what class your character is.  You can request non-EQ drawings and leave this part blank if it isn't relevant for those.)
PERSONALITY:  (a few words or a short description of your character's personality, which may or may not be similar to your own.  Personality influences how I draw facial features, poses, and expressions.  At the very least, fill in how you visualize your character's personality even if you don't actually play them that way)
PREFERRED COLOR(S):  (this will influence background and shading.  If left blank, I will pick whatever colors I see fit for these purposes)
ADDITIONAL NOTES:  (if there's any sort of special customization you would like to have added to the image, here is the place you'd put it.  Special customization requests can include [but is not limited to]:  tattoo designs, scars, piercings, birth marks, body build, accessories, hairstyles, alternate outfits, text and so on.  This is also where you would describe your character, pose, and/or expression you'd like to see them have if you don't have any reference images.  One thing I will add about body build, though.... my default choice in build will be based on class provided it's an EQ character.  However, if you want an Arnold Schwarzenegger build and your character is something like a rogue or a mage, I reserve the right to override your poor choice of build for your class.)
DONATION:  (Donations are not necessary, but they do serve as incentive for Miro to put in the extra work for a more detailed piece.  Krono, high value ornamentations, platinums, rare collection items, and entire collection sets are all good offers.  RL money never hurts either.  Just saiyan )

Example Form
TYPE:  Avatar
SIZE(S):  150px (w) X 65px (h)
REFERENCE(S):  Linky | Linky | Linky | Linky
HAIR COLOR:  dark blonde
EYE COLOR:  blueish-grey
RACE:  high elf
CLASS:  cleric
PERSONALITY:  Silly, generally easy going, naive  I mean... Miro is big, stwong, and super sewious
PREFERRED COLOR(S):  blues, greens, and/or greys
DONATION:  My pure, undying affection

Keep in mind that artists are like clerics:  if you want their services, don't tick them off.
They can also do horrible things to your body when you're not looking.  Not that Miro would ever do such a thing  Miro is a good girl.


February 24, 2013, 12:47:16 pm #1 Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 01:13:11 pm by Larul
TYPE: Avarar
REFERENCE(S):ingame face/wolf
HAIR COLOR:white/pink
*PREFERRED COLOR(S):purples,reds,blues
*ADDITIONAL NOTES:I would like an avatar with my wode showing and maybe a ghost image of a wolf overlayed?
*DONATION:To Be Discussed in game


Miro will need a screen shot, unless your signature is an accurate representation.  In which case, Miro can just use your signature as a reference. 
Miro hasn't drawn a wolf before so she's not sure how that will go, but she'll try  ;D  No donation needed since it's just an avatar.


Here's what Miro came up with based on your order form and using your signature as a reference:

Let Miro know if you want it redone and what you'd like to see done differently if so and Miro will see what she can do.  Also also, be sure to save the file and upload it to your own image host as Miro may move or delete this one at some point for whatever reason.


Somebody request something!  MiroIsBored
Remember, avatars, signatures, and sketches don't cost you anything except the time it takes to fill out a form.  And for those put off by the form, I'd have to ask you all of those questions later anyway unless you're fine with me taking complete creative liberty with it and giving you whatever I feel like drawing instead of what you actually want.... in which case you might end up with an avatar of a spotted rabbit when you wanted a sketch of your badass warrior.

In the meantime, Miro has been trying to occupy her arting desires by starting to color
this 8 month old sketch.


April 05, 2013, 05:52:06 pm #5 Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 06:01:09 pm by Scot
Well I will go ahead and put in my request for something that is probably waaaaaay too involved.  I will let you decide the extent.  It will probably have to be a 3 part process (with J1 and Paris too heh).

TYPE: Avatar/signature/sketch all work for me.  Don't really mind which.  Would prefer a full body image from the front.
*SIZE(S):  Whatever works best for you.
REFERENCE(S):  (screen shots, artwork, and/or photos to visually represent the character you want drawn as well as poses, textures, and patterns you'd like to see used, if any)
HAIR COLOR:  Brown/black/auburn
EYE COLOR:  Blue/Green
RACE:  Barbarian
CLASS: Warrior
PERSONALITY:  Confident, stalwart, kind, good natured, a little playful/coy/humor like a part smile maybe, a little fatherly/sober/conflicted in the "so totally hot all the girls want him" kind of way and of course drop dead sexy! =D

*PREFERRED COLOR(S):  Kind of the white knight sort of mantra, so lots of white, light blues and gold/silver.  Could be a battle against darkness for contrast, though unnecessary.

*ADDITIONAL NOTES:  Want for him to be on the almost too muscular for his own good.  Sort of one step back from the professional body builder where the muscles actually look good.  Would like a BP that is possibly ornate (doesn't need to actually be ornate but sort of implies something of skilled craft)  Sleeves optional or only 1 maybe so a little like a tank maybe.  Scottish influences and knee length kilt (just in case you didn't know the proper length hah).  Large broadsword and a shield (or 2 broadswords) not necessarily in hand.  Maybe a leather sack on the ground or across the back.  Face a bit wider/pentagonal, so that he has a bit of stature without looking really boyish, maybe a bit like Tatum Channing.  No helmet I don't think.

*DONATION:  Hmm probably a couple PL sessions with you keeping the loot profits would work best, since I am sort of poor lol.


Yes!  Details!  Miro likes lots of details, and they're all of the relevant kind too!  Might take some research to figure out the armor part since Miro hasn't drawn armor much, but that's part of the fun in getting requests.  Miro gets to do things that she normally wouldn't draw herself  ;D  Since it's a bit more complex of a piece, Miro will be sure to post the works in progress for you so you can get things fixed in the early stages if they need fixing and so you know Miro is working on it.


This is as far as Miro's gotten on it as of today   She's having trouble figuring out everything below the knees as well as the muscles.  All of Miro's male characters have lean builds so that's what she's most accustomed to drawing, but bulky muscle is more appropriate for a warrior and Miro really needs to expand into drawing different body types.

Also also, in the event anyone actually cared,
this is how the 8 month old sketch came out after Miro finished with the flat colors.  Miro isn't sure if/when she'll start shading it.


two words on new avatar
Thank You Miro


Hooray!  Miro's glad you like it.  ;D

Here's where Scot's is right now.  Completely scrapped the previous body and kept making rough sketches until I found something that didn't look awkward and had the right build.  Also did some quick browsing on the interwebs for pose ideas.  Admittedly, Miro kind of just jacked the pose from this image in the end.  Now she's starting to refine the rough into cleaner lines.

Going to be putting this piece on the backburner for a bit, though.  Now that Miro has her own monitor back and can see colors more properly again, she's going to get back to finishing a coloring job that was requested of her some time ago.


A few updates.

First, Miro finished the
coloring job that someone elsewhere on the interwebs requested of her.  Miro only did the coloring and some slight modifications and not the drawing itself.  The original can be viewed here.

Secondly, a little progress has been made on the piece for
Scot, though not a whole lot.  Miro's going to be trying something different with that piece by having different parts of the line art on different layers for ease of changing it's color to see how well that works out.  Don't worry!  You'll have clothes.... later.... eventually.... maybe...

Thirdish, Miro started a
sketch for an auction Miro held some months back elsewhere on the interwebs.  There's two other pieces Miro will need to eventually do from that same auction, but this lady paid the most so Miro is starting on hers first of the three.

Fourside, since Miro has done art for others more than herself, Miro decided to take the time to start
shading the flat color piece she posted earlier so she gets some personal work in for a change.  Miro is experimenting with a different blending brush for it.

And last, Miro updated the first post to include a new
sketch she just did today for the fun of it.  ;D


May 08, 2013, 12:24:51 pm #11 Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 03:44:46 pm by Miro
Oh my~ Naked Scot! Miro will heal you any day~ er....

Interestingly enough,
this song was playing on Miro's computer when she reached this stage.

Guess Miro should get to work on putting his clothes on now.... *pouts*

Edit:  And
here it is with some armor sketched on.  Be sure to let Miro know if you want anything changed.

Edit edit:  How embarrassing.  Miro just realized she got the month wrong in that WIP save.   Miro blames getting distracted by looking at men in kilts.... strictly for research, of course.


Piper Down (a nearby pub) has a kilt night once a month where everyone gets in free if they wear a kilt, you should come see it Miro, all eye candy Yummy


Miro do you still play ?


Going through some stuff right now so I haven't played in probably a month or so, but I still lurk the forum now and again.